Wear protection for the brick industry
At the Brick making the equipment used requires a Highest performance wear protection. The shaping extrusion dies are subject to high mechanical loads. Effective wear protection should be resistant Against abrasion and a low coefficient of friction exhibit. DURUM offers high quality wear protection solutions for many applications in the brick industry.
Product examples
- Dredging bucket
- Scraper
- Siebroste
- Scraper
- Carving knife
- Discharge screws
- Roll Crusher
- Steam counter gauge
- Pointed heads
- Mouthpieces
- Ejector discs
- Reels and knives
- Discharge pieces from manktowers
- Three-flight end screw
- Feed cone
- Kneading arm of screen kneader
- Tube press screws
- Mixer segments

We manufacture our wear protection solutions for you exclusively in Germany.